Becoming Threshold

What might it mean to behold others and behold the world from a different quality of depth, feeling, and understanding?

In this collection of conversations with creative educators, scholars, and artists from across disciplines, we harness insights on a particular frame of mind, what we call “becoming threshold.” Becoming threshold is a quality of human attention and understanding that emerges in the space between self, others, and world. It allows us to see our human reality on different terms—from a “both and” perspective—and inspires us to a greater sense of care and responsibility as we confront complex issues in the foreground of our lives. 
Becoming Threshold addresses us at the depth of our subjective boundaries and requires us to be continuously open to modifying our internal truths and beliefs. It places heavy responsibility upon our clarity and honesty with ourselves in relation to the knowledge and truths in which we believe, and out of which we practice as artists and designers. It also requires us to recognize and allow shifts from our certainty.* Through the prism of these four conversations, we are afforded the opportunity to grow in such a manner into wisdom.

Becoming Threshold is a collaboration between Anne West and Diane Lee

* Vivian Darroch Lozowski, “Experiencing Nets of Holism through the Threshold Body,” in International Handbook of Holistic Education, eds. John P. Miller et al. (New York, NY: Routledge, 2019). See Chapter 2.